Edit a Template Group

The steps that follow use the from the Templates tab as an example.

Edit a template group:

  1. Sign in to Business Online or Abiliti.

  2. Select Payments & Transfers. The Payments & Transfers page appears.

  3. Select ACH. The ACH transfer page appears.

  4. Select the Templates tab. The Templates page appears.

  5. Click the Edit template group hyperlink. The Edit template group page appears.

  6. On the Edit template page, if the system associates the user with more than one ACH company, use the Tax identification drop-down list to select the template group for the appropriate ACH company.

    1. To quickly find a template group, begin typing the name of the template group in the Find template group field and the system begins filtering a list of options to choose from.

    2. To rename an existing template group, simply type a new name.

    3. To establish a new template group, click +New, type the new Template group name in the New template group dialog box and click Save.

    If you type a name of a template group that already exists, the system displays the "Template group already exists" message. If you click Save, the system displays both template groups as duplicates.

    1. To delete a Template group name click in the Delete column for the appropriate Template group name.

    2. To restore a Template group name that you have marked for deletion, click .

  1. Click Save.

  2. Sign out of Business Online or Abiliti.

See Also:

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