View or download transactions

You can view up to 10 transactions in Recent Transactions on the Home page.

  • Use Dropdown arrow image to select another account.
  • Select Image of a check with a pen to open an image, and hover over the image to enlarge it.

How do I view or download specific transactions?

  1. Select Accounts to view the most recent transactions with options to search, filter, or download transactions.

Use Dropdown arrow image to select another account, or select Date, Description, Debit, or Credit to change the transaction sort.

  1. Optional. Select Image of Search textbox for transactions and enter a Check number, Date, Description, or Debit/Credit amounts.
  2. Optional. Select Filters button and apply a filter to narrow your search.
  1. Optional. Select Download button and Comma-separated values (.csv) to download your transactions. If your financial institution is licensed and set up for Quickbooks or Quicken, you can download transactions using the .qbo or .qfx file formats as well. Full download functionality with the Down arrow with New download text option will be coming soon!

Use Image of a Dollar sign representing a deposit transaction to view or print deposits and the content that make up the deposit or use Image of a check with a pen to view or print checks.

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