What's Next

Check this topic periodically to learn about the upcoming features that we are planning to deliver. See Coming Attractions for features and updates that we plan to deliver after this.

We develop the Premier UI using agile methodologies that include user experience research, feedback from our test users, and biweekly to monthly product updates. We will implement these features and updates for In-house clients in late September.

2024.3 September Update for In-house Only:


Allows you to:

Legacy Theme Override Feature

View more information on new Premier UI pages instead of legacy Navigator pages. New pages include Relationships, Codes, History, and more.

Change customer information and change account information using new Premier UI pages instead of legacy Navigator pages.

Note: When this new feature is enabled, it applies to CIF, CIS, COD, DDA, LAS, and SAV. It does not change the format of the legacy Navigator pages accessed from the left-side Application Navigation. To enable this feature, go to Premier Micro-service API Manager > Navigator Instance, select Legacy Theme Override on the Feature Selection window, and select Save.

Voltage Feature

No longer view Voltage on the Premier Micro-service API Manager > Navigator Instance > Feature Selection window as it is no longer available.


You asked:

Allows you to:

Loan response time

View Loan accounts with a quicker response time.

We update the Progress Report with the product, to provide you with a detailed list of features as we deliver them.