Inquiring into Outgoing Wire Transfers

The system extends you the ability to view Outgoing Wire Manager transfers that you generate in Wire Manager.

The system displays the Exceptions for Outgoing Wires and Confirmations for Outgoing lists for WireXchange clients only.

To inquire into an outgoing wire transfer:

  1. Open Wire Manager Transfers. The system displays the Select Wire Transfer Criteria page.

  2. Select Inquire Wire Transfer. From the search criteria select Outgoing from the Transfer Type drop-down list, type search criteria as necessary, and then click Submit. The system displays the Outgoing Wires page including the Exceptions for Outgoing Wires and Confirmations for Outgoing Wires lists.

When you type a Client Name in the additional search criteria, the system displays the Client List. From the Client List, click the Client Name hyperlink for the wire transfer client that you want to use. The system displays the Exceptions for Outgoing Wires and Confirmations for Outgoing Wires lists that the system associates with the client name.

When you type a User Name, User Code, or select a User Type from the drop-down list, the system displays the User List. From the User List, click the User Name hyperlink for the wire transfer user. The system displays the Exceptions for Outgoing Wires and Confirmations for Outgoing Wires lists that the system associates with the user.

  1. From the Exceptions for Outgoing Wires list click the Transfer Description hyperlink for the wire transfer that you want to view. The system displays the corresponding wire page.

From the Confirmations for Outgoing Wires list click the Wire Number hyperlink for the wire transfer that you want to view. The system displays the corresponding wire page.

  1. Review the wire transfer, and then click Done. The system displays the Outgoing Wires page.

  2. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to view additional outgoing wire transfers.

  3. Click Log Out.

However, when you set the Processor Option as Dovetail - USD only or Dovetail - USD/FX only, the system populates some sections on the Inquire and Review Outgoing Wire Transfer page as per the rules defined for Dovetail.

  • When you create a Domestic or International Correspondent Outgoing Wire Transfer without Originating Institution information, Dovetail automatically populates the missing values under that section on processing. The system displays the updated values when you inquire the same wire transfer.
  • When you create a Domestic or International Correspondent Outgoing Wire Transfer with Beneficiary Institution, Originating Institution, and Intermediary Institution information against any Identification Type, Dovetail uses a Fed Directory and overwrites the Name and Address information under those sections on processing. The system displays the updated values for these fields when you inquire the same wire transfer.
  • When you inquire an Outgoing Wire Transfer, the system displays the Beneficiary Name, Originator Identification Number, and Originating Name in uppercase even when you provided the values in lowercase while creating the transfer.
  • When you create a Domestic or International Correspondent Outgoing Wire Transfer with a short name in the Institution Name field under Receiving Institution section, Dovetail updates the name based on the Fed directory on processing the transfer. The system displays the updated value when you inquire the same transfer.
  • When you create an Outgoing Domestic Wire Transfer without any value in the first Address field and values in the second and third Address fields respectively, Dovetail automatically moves the values one level up for the Address fields on processing. The system displays the updated values when you inquire the same wire transfer.
  • For example, if you create an Outgoing Domestic Wire Transfer with no value in first Address box, and values in second and third boxes, Dovetail moves the value present in second address field to the first field and similarly third field value to second.

    The system applies this substitution rule for Message To Beneficiary fields present under the same section and to the Address fields present under Beneficiary Institution also. Additionally, the system sometimes updates the values for Address fields as per the information available at Dovetail's end.

  • For Domestic Correspondent Outgoing Wire Transfer, the system applies the substitution rule to the Address fields present under Beneficiary, Beneficiary Institution, Originating Institution, and Originator sections. The system uses the same rule for Message To Beneficiary fields under Beneficiary section. Additionally, the system sometimes updates the values for Address fields as per the information available at Dovetail's end.
  • For Outgoing International Wire Transfer, the system applies the substitution rule to the Address fields present under Beneficiary, Beneficiary Institution, and Intermediary Institution sections. The system uses the same rule for Message To Beneficiary fields under Beneficiary section. Additionally, the system sometimes updates the values for Address fields as per the information available at Dovetail's end.
  • For International Correspondent Outgoing Wire Transfer, the system applies the substitution rule to the Address fields present under Beneficiary, Beneficiary Institution, Intermediary Institution, Originating Institution, and Originator sections. The system uses the same rule for Message To Beneficiary fields under Beneficiary section. Additionally, the system sometimes updates the values for Address fields as per the information available at Dovetail's end.
  • When you create either an International Correspondent Outgoing Wire Transfer or an Outgoing International Wire Transfer without Receiving Institution information, the system processes the transfer successfully; however, when you inquire the same wire transfer, it does not appear in the list. This is because the transfer goes to the repair mode on Dovetail side and appears on the list only when Dovetail updates relevant information for that transfer.
  • The Date Range fields on Select Wire Transfer Criteria corresponds to the Value Date of Dovetail . Sometimes when a wire transfer is stuck with Status as 'Regulatory Filter' and Dovetail processes it on a different date than the system created date, the Value Date for that transfer updates to the processing date on Dovetail end. Accordingly, when you inquire this transfer with the earlier date, the system does not display this transfer in the list. When you inquire the wire transfer with the updated date, the system displays the wire transfer correctly.
  • When you create an Outgoing International Wire Transfer without any information in the third Address field under Beneficiary section, Dovetail updates the country code in that field on processing the transfer. Similarly, when you leave the third Address field blank under the Beneficiary Institution section, Dovetail updates that field according to the Fed Directory. However, when the value is not available in the Fed Directory, Dovetail updates the country code in that field. The system displays these values on inquiring the transfer.
  • When you create an International Correspondent Outgoing Wire Transfer without any information in the third Address field under Beneficiary and Originator sections, Dovetail updates the country code in that field on processing the transfer. Similarly, when you leave the third Address field blank under the Beneficiary Institution and Originator Institution sections, Dovetail updates those fields according to the Fed Directory. However, when the value is not available in the Fed Directory, Dovetail updates the country code in those fields. The system displays these values on inquiring the transfer.
  • When you inquire Outgoing Wire Transfers and download the details in PDF or CSV format, only the wire transfers listed on the current page of the Confirmations for Outgoing Wires appear in the document.

See Also: