Import ACH Transfers

The import functionality is utilized to import NACHA and Non NACHA formatted transfers into ACH Manager. Further, the import functionality includes the ability to utilize established ACH Manager templates to validate information present in an import file.

The following sections display on this page:

NACHA Formatted Transfers

Step 1 - File Selection

Step 2 - File Import

NACHA Formatted Transfers - ACH Pass-Thru

Step 1 - File Selection

Step 2 - File Import

Select Batch Action - Fields

Submission Results

Non NACHA Formatted Transfers

Step 1 - File Selection

Step 2 - Template Details

Step 3 - Filed Definitions

Step 4 - Data Mapping

Step 5 - Import


Transfer Details Review

NACHA Formatted Transfers

NACHA formatted transfers are represented by transfers established from files, including templates that conform to the standard format as defined by federal reserve in the NACHA ACH File Exchange specifications. When the import functionality is initiated, ACH Manager launches a wizard that proceeds through several steps that contain fields and options that must be specified prior to submitting the file for processing. NACHA formatted transfer files can be imported with or without the use of an established NACHA template.

Step 1 - File Selection

Once the file import process is initiated, the user interface populates with the first of several steps that are required to successfully import a NACHA formatted ACH transfer. The fields that display are governed by the user's association with any established ACH transfer templates.

ACH Users that are not associated with any ACH file import templates can import NACHA formatted ACH transfers.

ACH Users that are associated with an ACH file import template are presented with a list of templates to chose from.

Amount Range

File Location

Tax Identification Number

The tax identification number of the account owner at the Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI). This field populates as a drop-down list in the event there are multiple companies associated with a given account holder. For example, George Washington is tied to accounts servicing Washington Orchards and Washington Agricultural Group, Inc. Subsequently, the tax identification numbers associated with Washington Orchards and Washington Agricultural Group, Inc. populate the Tax Identification Number.


Transfer Type

Step 2 - File Import

Once a NACHA formatted transfer file is selected and the user clicks the Next button, ACH Manager populates with the Step 2 - Import page. This page provides a summary of the transfers that comprise a transfer file and includes the ability to edit the Effective Date of individual transfers when necessary.

Once a NACHA formatted transfer file is selected for import into ACH Manager, the Step 2 - Import page displays.

Transfer files utilizing effective dates that are in the past generate the warning message "Past Effective Date".

Batch ID

The batch identification number of the ACH payment being imported. A file containing multiple payments, such as a federal or state tax transfer, contains more than one Batch ID header with amount information.

Effective Date

The date placed on an ACH transfer by the originator (user or financial institution) and is normally the date the originator intends the transfer to take place.

Debit Totals

The total debit amount of the ACH batch being imported.

Credit Totals

The total credit amount of the ACH batch being imported.

Number of Debits

The total number of debits included in the ACH file being imported.

Number of Credits

The total number of credits included in the ACH file being imported.

File Debit Total

The total debit amount across all batches contained in the ACH file being imported.

File Credit Total

The total credit amount across all batches contained in the ACH file being imported.

Reference Number

This is a unique identifier that is generated by ACH Manager during the import process. The identifier can be used to search for the imported file once the import process is completed.

NACHA Formatted Transfers - ACH Pass-Thru

Non NACHA Formatted Transfers

Step 1 – File Selection

Once the file import process is initiated, the user interface populates with the first of several steps that are required to successfully import a non NACHA formatted ACH transfer. The fields that display are governed by the user's association with any established ACH transfer templates.

File Location


Step 2 – Template Details

Once a non NACHA file is selected for import, you can assign identification attributes to the file, define the type of file being imported and specify which users are authorized to access the transfer file.

ACH Transfer Type

Template Description

Enter the name of the file import.

Tax Identification Number

The tax identification number of the account owner at the Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI). This field populates as a drop-down list in the event there are multiple account owners associated with a given account. For example, George and Martha Washington are tied to the account servicing Washington Orchards. Subsequently, their respective tax identification numbers would populate the Tax Identification Number.

Template Group

The template group to which the template belongs. Click to add a new template group or select an existing template group from the drop-down list.

Number of Header Rows to Exclude

The number of header rows at the beginning of the file that are excluded during file import.

Number of Footer Rows to Exclude

The number of footer rows at the end of the file that are excluded during file import.

Insert Decimal into Amounts


Fixed Width

Indicates that every field in the template has a fixed, defined width, with shorter values being padded with characters. This option produces a file format preview with column headers in Step 3 - Field Definitions. Selecting this option overrides any selections in the Delimited field, as files are either delimited or fixed width.

File Preview

The preview of the ACH file format.

If any value required for the selected ACH transfer type is not defined in the imported ACH file, it needs to be defined in the Apply Additional Values to File section. The Apply Additional Values to File section may display below the File Preview section as it depends on the type of file being imported.

User Access

Step 3 – Field Definitions

The Field Definitions sections enables you to assign each piece of data in the non NACHA file a data type, assign any offset specifications, and define effective date options.

Layout Preview

The preview of the ACH file format. If the imported file contains data in columns, Layout Preview displays a drop-down list for each numbered column; select each column's data type from the "Column" N drop-down list.

N = the column number

The data type varies by the ACH transfer type specified for the template. If only a single column displays in Layout Preview, define the data types in the Apply Additional Values to File section.

If any value required for the selected ACH transfer type is not defined in the imported ACH file, it needs to be defined in the Apply Additional Values to File section.

Offset Account Defined In File

Indicates whether the offset account is defined within the import file.

Add Offset Account to File

Indicates whether the offset account is added into the import file.

Select Account

Indicates the list of accounts that a user has access to.

Date In File

Indicates whether the effective date is defined within the import file.

Prompt For Date

Indicates whether the ACH user is prompted for the effective date during the file import process.

Default Current Business Date

Indicates whether the current business date is added into the file during the import process.

Step 4 – Data Mapping

Once each piece of data in the non NACHA file is assigned a data type, Step 4 – Data Mapping provides an overview and confirmation that the data will be mapped. In the event that a data type is incorrectly assigned, an error message displays. You can click the Back button to make any necessary edits.

Step 5 – Import

The Step 5 – Import section enables you to review the batch and file detail information prior to submitting the batch for processing.


The system displays the Exceptions page when you import a Non-NACHA file and the data in the file is missing (for example, the dollar amount or the routing transit number is blank). Once you fix the exceptions and click Continue, the system continues with the import process.

Transfer Details Review

If the data is imported successfully, a confirmation box appears listing the Debit Totals, Credit Totals, Number Of Debits, Number Of Credits and Reference Number.

See Also:

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