Import A Non NACHA File Using a New Template

ACH Manager facilitates controlled access to templates that conform to the NACHA standardized file format by implementing NACHA-specific templates that are established by user identity.

Import a non-NACHA file using a new template

  1. Open ACH Manager. The External Transfer Criteria box appears.
  2. From the Management Tools menu, select ACH Manager. The Select External Transfer Criteria box appears.
  3. Select ACH File Import Template and then click Submit. The ACH File Import Template List appears.

Select Non NACHA from the Import File Type drop-down list to view only the non-NACHA file import templates.

  1. Click the ACH File Import Template List toolbar. The New File Import Template box appears.

When accessing the ACH File Import Template function through Access Manager Account Options, click the client name hyperlink from the User List before continuing.

Refer to the Non NACHA Transfers topic under Import ACH Transfer for information on creating a new transfer from a template in this list.

  1. Select Non NACHA from the Import File Type drop-down menu and then click Submit. The system displays the Step 1 – File Selection box as part of the Non NACHA File Import workflow page.
  1. Click Browse. The Choose File to Download dialog box appears.
  2. Select the delimited or fixed-width (non-NACHA format) file, and then click Open. The system displays the file path and name in the File Location field.
  3. Click Next. The Step 2 – Template Details box appears, containing a preview of the imported file contents.
  1. Complete the following fields.

ACH Transfer Type

Template Description

Enter the name of the file import.

Tax Identification Number

Enter the tax ID number of the account owner at the Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI).

Template Group

Click the Add icon to add a new template group or select an existing template group from the drop-down list.

Number of Header Rows to Exclude

Enter the number of header rows at the beginning of the file that are excluded during file import.

Number of Footer Rows to Exclude

Enter the number of footer rows at the end of the file that are excluded during file import.

Insert Decimal into Amounts


Text Qualifier

Fixed Width

Indicates that every field in the template has a fixed, defined width, with shorter values being padded with characters. This option produces a file format preview with column headers in the Field Definitions step. Selecting this option overrides any selections in the Delimited field, as files are either delimited or fixed width.

User Access

  1. Click Next. The Non NACHA File Import box displays Step 3 – Field Definitions, still showing the imported file contents in the File Preview field.
  1. Complete the following fields.

File Preview

The preview of the ACH file format. If the imported file contains data in columns, Layout Preview displays a drop-down list for each numbered column; select each column's data type from the Column # drop-down.

The data type varies by the ACH transfer type specified for the template. If only a single column displays in Layout Preview, define the data types in the Apply Additional Values to File section.

If any value required for the selected ACH Transfer Type is not defined in the imported ACH file, it needs to be defined in the Apply Additional Values to File section Type and Value fields.

If necessary, complete the following fields.



The value of each field type.

Add Column

Click the Add Column hyperlink to define an additional value to the file.

  1. In the Offset Account Options section, complete the following:

Offset Account Defined In File

Select whether the offset account is defined within the import file.

Add Offset Account to File

Select whether the offset account is added into the import file.

  1. In the Effective Date Option section, complete the following:

Date In File

Select whether the effective date is defined within the import file.

Prompt For Date

Select whether the ACH user is prompted for the effective date during the file import process.

Default Current Business Date

Select whether the current business date is added into the file during the import process.

  1. Click Next. The Step 4 – Data Mapping box appears.
  1. The box subheading displays the name of the imported file and the Template field displays the name of the new template. The remaining items show the ACH and data types and values currently defined for the template.
    Click Next. The Step 5 – Import box appears.
  1. The Batch ID shows the identification number of the ACH file being imported, along with the number of debits and credits, and the File Details shows the total debits and credits.
    Click Finish. The Step 6 – Import Confirmation box appears.
  1. The Batch ID section summarizes the transfer date and debit/credit information, and the File Summary shows the file confirmation number and debit/credit totals in the file. Ensure that the box displays the message, "The following file was successfully imported".
    Click Review to make changes to specific transfer information contained in the new file.
  1. Click Save to save the new template.
  2. Close ACH Manager.

See Also:

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