How to maintain Abiliti Profiles

Abiliti documentation

Use these procedures to maintain Abiliti Profiles. All financial institutions can edit and publish Terms and Conditions > Effective date, Footer Content, Stop Payment, Navigation Links, and Email Communications. If your financial institution is an In-house client or you log in as a Datacenter (DC), you have more edit options, in addition to add, copy, and delete capabilities.

Edit Abiliti Profiles with Institution Log In

  1. Select Products > Abiliti Profiles in Access Manager to display your Host Name.
  2. After you locate your Host Name, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit to navigate to the Host Profile page.

You can select the Host Name link to confirm the host profile contents before editing.

  1. To update Terms and Conditions, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit and select the Effective date from the calendar to choose the start date.
  1. To update Footer Content, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit and edit your Link Text and Link URL.
  1. To update Stop Payment, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit to edit the informational message for Abiliti users to view when confirming stop payment requests and to edit the fields that are required when your customers request a stop payment on a check.

You can enter up to 250 characters.

  1. To update Navigation Links, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit to edit the contact information links for your customers in the Abiliti desktop header and the phone number that can be used by your customers when using a mobile device. Additionally, use Logo Navigation to link customers to your financial institution’s website when they select your logo.

If Yes is selected in Show Contact Information, then you must enter information in at least one field in this section. If it equals No, then your customers will not have access to your contact information and the logo in the header will link to the Abiliti home page instead of your financial institution's website.

  1. To update Email Communications, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit to edit the Sender information and the Email content. You must select Enable header and Enable footer before updating the email content.

You can use the default email message that's provided or you can customize your email messages.

  1. Select Save.

The system displays the (modified) text in orange with the host profile that you modified.

  1. Select Publish.

Edit Abiliti Profiles with Datacenter Log In

  1. Select Products > Abiliti Profiles in Access Manager to display your Host Name or the Institution Search.
  2. After you locate your Host Name, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit to navigate to the Host Profile page.

You can select the Host Name link to confirm the host profile contents before editing.

  1. To update Terms and Conditions, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit and select the Effective date from the calendar to choose the start date.
  1. To update E-Sign, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit and make the necessary changes to the HTML URL and PDF URLto provide electronic communication consent documents.
Frequently asked questions:
  1. To update Contact Information select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit and check View addressesto allow users to view physical address on the Address card in Profile & settings.
  1. To update Electronic Statements, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit and Enable electronic statement enrollment to provide Electronic Statements to users.

For Director users only.

    1. For Delivery methods, select Add delivery method. Enter a Group Number, Description, and select the account type of Checking, Savings, Certificate, and/or Loan.
    2. If you enable electronic statements, you must define a delivery method with a group number and description, and at least one account type.

    1. To trigger a pop-up window asking customers to enroll in electronic statements, for Not enrolled groups, select Add not enrolled group to establish a Group Number and select the account type of Checking, Savings, Certificate, and/or Loan.
  1. To update Credit Cards, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit, Optis, and then enter the Optis OCS Shell user to enable Optis Credit Cards.

The Optis payment cut off time, displayed as local time, is the time that a payment must be completed by to be effective on the current day. This feature is for a future release.

  1. To update Analytics, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Editand add the URL to enable Analytics. If you leave this field blank, Analytics will remain disabled.
  1. To update Footer Content, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit and edit your Link Text and Link URL.
  1. To update Stop Payment, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit to edit the informational message for Abiliti users to view when confirming stop payment requests and to edit the fields that are required when your customers request a stop payment on a check.

You can enter up to 250 characters.

  1. If your financial institution uses LinkLive, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit and then edit the Admin and Group information, along with Secure Chat and/or Secure Mail information, depending on what products you offer.

All fields are required.

  1. To update Navigation Links, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit to edit the links for your customers in the Abiliti desktop header and the phone number that can be used by your customers when using a mobile device. Additionally, use Logo Navigation to link customers to your financial institution’s website when they select your logo.

If Yes is selected in Show Contact Information, then you must enter information in at least one field in this section. If it equals No, then your customers will not have access to your contact information and the logo in the header will link to the Abiliti home page instead of your financial institution's website.

  1. To update Email Communications, select Icon of a pencil to indicate Edit to edit the Sender information and the Email content. You must select Enable header and Enable footer before updating the email content.

You can use the default email message that's provided or you can customize your email messages.

  1. Select Save.

The system displays the (modified) text in orange with the host profile that you modified.

  1. Select Publish.

Search for Abiliti Profiles

  1. From the Menu, select Products and then select Abiliti Profiles.
  2. In the Enter an Institution Name field, enter the financial institution's name, and select Icon of a magnifying glass to indicate Search to display the Institution List.

Add Abiliti Profiles with Datacenter Log In

  1. Search for the institution to which you are adding the host profile.
  2. Select Icon of a box with a plus sign to Indicate Add in the Institution List to display the New Host Profile page.
  3. Enter the Host Name, the Routing Transit number, and select Save. The program saves the new host profile and displays it under the Host Name list on the search results page.

The system displays the (new) text in orange with all the new host profiles you add.

Publish Abiliti Profiles

  1. Select Products > Abiliti Profiles in Access Manager.
  2. Select Icon of a sphere with an arrow to indicate Publish for the host profile you are publishing. The Publish host profile displays.
  3. Select OK. A success message displays indicating the selected host profile was published.

The system disables the icon associated with a profile when you publish that profile.

Copy Abiliti Profiles with Datacenter Log In

  1. Search for the institution to which you are adding the host profile.
  2. Select the Icon of a piece of paper and a plus sign to indicate Copy associated with the host profile you are copying. The system displays the Copy Host Profile pop-up.
  3. From the Copy to dropdown list, select the financial institution to which you are copying the host profile.
  4. In the Host Name field, type an appropriate Host name.
  5. Select OK. The system displays the Institution Search page with the success message indicating that it successfully copied the selected host profile.

The system displays the (new) text in orange with all the new host profiles you add.

Delete Abiliti Profiles with Datacenter Log In

  1. Search for the financial institution for which you are deleting the host profile.
  2. Select the Icon of a trach bin to indicate Delete associated with the host profile you are deleting. The system displays the Delete Host Profile pop-up.
  3. Select OK. The system displays the Institution Search page with a success message indicating that it has deleted the selected host profile successfully.

The system removes the profile that you deleted from the Host Name list.

Related information

Profile options