Search for customer information

You can search for customer information using Name, Tax ID, Street Address, or Email Address. The system prompts you based on your search criteria.

If you enter alpha characters, the system prompts you to select the Customer Name (Last First) or Customer Name (Display) category. If you enter four or nine numbers, the system includes Tax ID in the list of categories. If you enter @, the system includes Email Address in the list of categories.

Select Image of interacting circles to indicate an advanced search that includes more search options. to use the most popular advanced search features currently available in Navigator.

How do I search for customer information?

  1. Enter the Name and select the Customer Name (Last First) or Customer Name (Display) category, or enter the Tax ID number (using all nine digits or the last four digits) and select the Tax ID category.
  2. Press enter or select Search icon.
  1. In the search results, select the Customer Name link.

or select Preview icon to verify the customer and then select the customer name from the Preview panel to view the Customer Summary page.

  1. Optional:
    Use Image of paper and printer to indicate print. to access the Quick Print or Advanced Print options.
    Use Pencil to indicate Edit. in the Customer Dashboard to access edit mode for customer maintenance or select additional pages to view more customer information.

Related Information

Customer Dashboard

Search for account information