Importing a Wire Using Template

The Import Wire Manager Transfer Using an Existing Template function enables you to import a transfer file that you have stored against an existing template.

Importing a wire using an existing template:

  1. Open Wire Manager Transfers. The system displays the Select Wire Transfer Criteria page.

  2. Select Import Wire Using Template, click Existing Template, and then click Submit. The system displays the User List.

  3. Click the user Name hyperlink that you want to use to import a wire transfer file. The system displays the Step 1 - File Selection page.

  4. Click Browse to locate the wire transfer file to import. The system displays the Choose File to Upload dialog page.

  5. Select the appropriate wire transfer file, and then click Open. The system displays the file path and name in the File Location field.

  6. Select the appropriate Template from the drop-down list, and then click Next. The system displays the Step 2 - Data Mapping page.

  7. Click Next to continue the import process. You can click Back to make any necessary modifications. The system displays the Step 3 - Import Confirmation page.

  8. Click the Select All hyperlink in the Save column to process all of the transfers in the import file at a future time. Click the Select All hyperlink in the Review column to review all of the transfers in the import file. Click the Select All hyperlink in the Process column to process all of the transfers in the import file. Click the Select All hyperlink in the Discard column to discard all of the transfers in the import files.

Depending on the template you selected in Step 6, the system may require you to complete the Transfer Start Date and the From Account fields, and then click Finish.

  1. Click Finish. The system displays the confirmation page.

The Errors box indicates that the system does not process the wire transfer with a reference number and an error message.

The Warnings box indicates that the system generates the wire transfer with a reference number and a warning message.

The Success box indicates that the system successfully processes the wire transfer.

  1. Click Close. The system displays the Select Wire Transfer Criteria page.

  2. Repeat steps 3 through 10 to import additional import wire transfers using existing templates.

  3. Click Log Out.

See Also:

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