Warnings & Notes, Reminders, Chat Log, History, and Documents

Warnings & Notes

Warnings & Notes allow you to view system messages for customers and accounts. Additionally, client-defined warnings may appear for accounts. Notes are divided into two categories; Urgent Notes and General Notes. Functionality allowing you to establish and modify Warnings & Notes for customers and accounts will be in a future release.


Reminders allow you to view client-defined messages. The system displays, "No Reminders", when there are no reminders for your account. Functionality allowing you to establish and modify Reminders, including date and frequency, will be in a future release.

Chat Log

Chat Log allows you to view chat comments about a customer or account that were added by a user. The system displays, "No Chats", when no chat comments have been added.


History allows you to view the file maintenance made to a customer or account. History will be available in a future release.

Documents & Reports

Documents & Reports allows you to view Documents as well as Reports & Notices.