Search Functionality

You can quickly search by Customer (Default) or select a filter from the Search by drop-down list.

Category Search by
Customer (Default) Name or TaxID
Checking Name or account number
Savings Name or account number
Certificate Name or account number
Loan Name or account number
Debit Card Name or account number
Safe Deposit Box Name or account number
Household Name or household number

When searching by customer, you can use all nine digits or the last four digits of their Tax ID number, or you can use a combination of their name.

  • Last name only or business name (full or partial). Type Doe for Chris Doe or Doe Dry Cleaners.
  • Last name with a comma and then first name or initial. Type Doe, C for Chris Doe.
  • First name with a space and then last name. Type Chris Doe.

When searching by account number, you can use the entire account number or the last four digits.

If the system displays more than one customer or account with your search results, then the search results preview pane allows you to verify your customer or account before continuing with your search.

Advanced Search

Some advanced search capabilities that are currently used in Navigator are available in the Premier UI. View this video for an update. (October 2021)

Related Information

Search for customer information

Search for account information